Each year, those in the special education community reflect on the importance of Dec. 2. On this day in 1975, President Ford signed the landmark Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which ensured special education programs were available in all public schools and allowed students with varying needs to receive the help they needed. Since then, Dec. 2 has been celebrated as National Special Education Day. On this day, we strive to bring awareness to the special education community and honor educators that work in this field
Special education is essential to ensure students with various needs develop the life skills they need to succeed. Our Healthy Relationships Curriculum is designed to help students with these needs gain skills and form meaningful relationships. When teaching students with varying needs, it is crucial to have a curriculum that can easily adapt to their needs. Our curriculum features a variety of resources, including in-person role-playing activities, 180+ videos, scenario cards to help discuss the skills learned, and games to reinforce skills.
We also want to thank all special education teachers for their work. Filled with compassion, these teachers care so much about their students and want to see them succeed. Those who teach our Healthy Relationships Curriculum know how much we care about them and their students. We provide these instructors with professional development to effectively teach lessons and adapt to their students’ needs. I’ve seen firsthand in talking with our teachers that they are always looking for new ways to help every one of their students excel and find the proper ways to teach their lessons. Special education teachers go above and beyond what is required of them and make an impact on so many lives.
Thank you to all special education teachers out there. And, if you are not using our Healthy Relationships Curriculum, you might want to click this link to schedule a demo.
Author: Jen Falkowski, MEd — Supervisor of Special Education