Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. We all know that bullying can have serious and lasting effects and that’s why students need to have the tools and skills to navigate bullying if they encounter it. Bullying is just one of the countless topics that our Healthy Relationships Curriculum covers.
There are many distractions in school, but by far the biggest distraction is being picked on by your peers. Bullying can take many forms, but the result is always the same for the victim, feelings of sadness, confusion, despair, anger, and powerlessness. These feelings make learning an afterthought. Bullying can cause students to be less engaged in lessons, decline to speak up in class, and less likely to participate in classroom discussions out of fear of being bullied.
It can be difficult for students to recognize and comprehend a situation in which they are being bullied. It is especially difficult for those students with unique challenges such as cognitive impairments, on the autism spectrum, or a learning disability.
The Healthy Relationships Curriculum is geared towards enhancing the student’s social skills and preparing them for independent life. In a world that is unfortunately plagued with bullying, how to handle oneself when being bullied is a crucial skill. Our program is designed to provide educators with the tools and resources they need to teach their students who have various needs.