The Pennsylvania Community on Transition Conference is coming up (July 20-22) in State College and we wouldn’t miss it!
The theme of this year’s conference is “Unlocking Potential: Promoting Strengths and Inspiring Success,” which fits perfectly with our goal of helping autistic and developmentally challenged adolescents develop the healthy life and social skills they need to grow into successful adults.
Adolescents on the autism spectrum and those with other cognitive challenges are missing out on critical social skills and life skills, impacting their ability to function effectively on their own in society. Without a solid foundation, they can face lifelong struggles when it comes to forming meaningful social relationships.
The Healthy Relationships Curriculum empowers transition-age youth to make plans for their future and enhance their quality of life. The Curriculum covers a wide variety of topics, but one of the biggest areas of need that it addresses is developing communication skills. We want the students using our curriculum to communicate more effectively with their natural support systems, thereby strengthening family relationships. These skills will also help these young adults in their personal lives as they seek to develop new friendships as well as enabling them to communicate effectively with others in a work setting.
Want to know more about how we’re helping prepare this population unlock their potential? Sign up for a FREE Information Packet.